Copyright Policy

Copyright Policy - Your Website

Copyright Policy

We Value Creativity
Hey everyone! We’re all about respecting the hard work of creators. That means only posting stuff you own or have the right to share on our site.

Spot Something That’s Yours?

If you find your copyrighted work on our site without your permission, let us know! Shoot an email to with:

  • What the copyrighted item is (tell us about it!).
  • Where it’s at on our site (a link works great).
  • Your name and how to reach you.
  • A quick note saying you think it’s being used without your okay.

What We’ll Do

Once we get a legit report, we’ll take down the content and let the person who posted it know. They can reach out if they think it was a mix-up.

Repeat Offenders

If someone keeps posting stuff they shouldn’t, we’ll have to say goodbye to their account. Fairness matters!